Academy: Train for excellence.

Efficient training will give you a broad understanding of how to use and maintain TRESU printing equipment. 
We train operators in basic flexo training and advanced training including recipe management, waste reduction, safety, recalibration and overall best practice.

We can manage your operators’ training development and issue certification to different levels of expertise.

NEW: Read more about Academy here

Preventive maintenance
We provide training courses to your maintenance staff, where we teach and show how to perform planned maintenance including all mandatory service requirements necessary to keep the warranty of your equipment and the performance on the long run.

Corrective maintenance
We train customers to be able to handle maintenance issues themselves either onsite or remote with our helpdesk agreements – depending on the agreement for each individual customer.

To perform corrective maintenance we provide a training course in trouble shooting making sure that root causes can be identified by your operators.

Predictive maintenance
Based on a TRESU machine condition analysis (MCA) we also guide your maintenance staff how to perform predictive maintenance minimizing downtime and avoiding unexpected breakdowns on the long run

TRESU training academy provides:

• Motivated and educated staff ready to perform
• Production reliability
• Opportunity for increased profit

Contact Customer Care for academy trainings:

Please remember to have the serial number from the specific equipment ready when contacting us.